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Full Mac OS X Support

前幾天在「苦牢之最後一年」上,看到「在 MacOSX 上面跑 KDE」這篇文章:

剛剛看到一篇報導,說現在已經可以直接在 Mac OSX 上面執行 KDE 的程式了 (以前還要再多跑一個 Mac OSX X11),想試的人請到這裡下載,我是還沒來得及試,因為檔案通通都是靠 BT 在傳… orz剛剛看到一篇報導,說現在已經可以直接在 Mac OSX 上面執行 KDE 的程式了 (以前還要再多跑一個 Mac OSX X11),想試的人請到這裡下載,我是還沒來得及試,因為檔案通通都是靠 BT 在傳… orz

後來在 KDE.NEWS 上,也看到「Full Mac OS X Support」這篇文章:

Just because KDE has been designed to be portable across Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX/X11 environments for an age now, doesn't mean we aren't up for the occasional challenge. With version 4, Trolltech released Qt for the Mac, Windows and now even embedded environments under the GPL. Since Qt is the base upon which KDE is developed, KDE is now free to offer native support for these platforms. Today I am focusing on the KDE/Mac developments for KDE 4. Read on for the details.

真好,KDE 可以不用透過 X 就可以跑在 MacOS X 上,趕快抓下來玩玩看。

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