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ba ba ba la~~

Palm OS to be replaced by a version of Linux

真的假的?? 據說 Palm OS 6 將使用 Linux 2.6.12 作為核心!! 這意味著所有 Palm 的應用軟體可能得重新改寫一次,或者,得費心思進行遷移。

看不出買下 PalmSource 的 3GSM Access,這樣的策略之目的為何。Anyway,Palm OS 6 Linux 版最快也是 2007 才會問世,也許屆時就失去吸引力了吧。

Palm OS to be replaced by a version of Linux

Access, the company that purchased PalmSource, will be releasing a Linux-based platform for handhelds and smartphones. What will this mean for Linux, Windows Mobile, smartphones, handhelds, media players, etc? Discuss below, let you're imagination drive your comments.


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