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跑在 MacBook Pro 的 OpenStep

OpenStep?? 這是以前的 NeXT 的 NeXTStep 的改版,也是小時候我在學校時,另我垂涎三尺的一個漂亮的作業系統 (在我心中排名第二,第一是 SGI)。

今天在 digg 上看到 "Mac on Intel :: NeXT's OpenStep up and running on a MacBook Pro",裡頭提到:

The reason I am a Mac user, and an avid one at that, is Steve Jobs. But not in the way you might think. Yes, he co-founded Apple and is the father of the Macintosh, but those aren't what I'm speaking of. It's Jobs work after his oust from Apple that has put me behind the Macintosh at which I now type. It was called NeXT.

以下是 Mac On Intel 網站提供的一張 Screenshot,您可以看一下:

Openstep Vesa Workspace1 Th

有買 MacBook Pro 的朋友,可以玩玩看。可惜,為了狗兒子的尿布與奶粉,短期內還不能買 MacBook Pro。 :'(

出處:Mac On Intel

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