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Qt Jambi

著名的跨平台 Framework 廠商 - Trolltech 於日前發表了 "Qt Jambi" 這個 RCP 的 Framework Set:

Qt® Jambi™ is a cross-platform, rich client application development framework for Java™. It includes a comprehensive class library and integrated development tools for high-end rich client application development. To organizations developing high performance, cross-platform desktop applications with Java, Qt Jambi increases development efficiency, adds freedom and flexibility to Java development, and lowers risk.Qt® Jambi™ is a cross-platform, rich client application development framework for Java™. It includes a comprehensive class library and integrated development tools for high-end rich client application development. To organizations developing high performance, cross-platform desktop applications with Java, Qt Jambi increases development efficiency, adds freedom and flexibility to Java development, and lowers risk.

Qt Jambi 係由 Java 開發的 Framework,支援各種作業系統的 GUI Look-Feel。

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在看過 Trolltech 提供的 Demo 後,只有一句話:「真是太棒了」!! 不信?? 您自己試試看!!

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